Friday, November 7, 2008

Chiang Mai, Pai...and only 6 days to go

The end is near. Never have those words rang so true! I can't believe that after almost 2 months of traveling, i will soon be wearing my pack for one last time and hopping on a flight back to New York. This trip, of course, flew by and although I know it isn't over yet (I have 6 more days) its hard not to think about the "real world" that awaits me on the other side.
But until then... a quick update. First off, internet hasn't been as easy to come by - and also i am trying to enjoy my last few days. So, hence no updates. Also without Tucker's computer - I can't upload photos. Sorry all!

Currently - though - I am with Mcgorty and Wendy and we are in the North of Thailand, in Pai, after spending a few days in Chiang Mai. Wed. during the day we explored the town, walked all over, and got massages! (obvi.) We also experienced the Night Bazaar one night where we got our bargaining skills down pat - and bought a ton of stuff. For someone who isn't a shopper - I can't stop! There is so much cool stuff and its all so cheap!
Wednesday night in Chiang Mai, we actually went out with some new friends we had met and celebrated our new President-elect in style - with other random Americans at a Thai bar with a Thai band that played American covers! We danced and drank and had a great time.

Yesterday we had a jam packed day trip in Mae Hong Son. We were picked up by our 73 year old tourguide/driver - who looked like he was about 93 - and went on the ride of a lifetime. Literally, i didn't think we would make it through the ride alone. We were in an open sided truck that has seen better roading through potholes, mud, and mountains! It was scary. Our day, however, turned out to be a huge success. We rode elephants (!!) and then went on an amazing (at at times pretty challenging) hike up a waterfall and then to white water rafting, then bamboo rafting... the whole day was exhausting but perfect. Also, our tour guide was absolutely adorable and he so clearly LOVED his work - it was great to spend the day with someone that happy. I got a slight injury getting into the raft, since the boat was "docked" in the busiest part of the rapids and we had to just walk on these tiny slippery rocks to get into the raft... i slipped and hurt my foot but its not too bad and definitely could've been worse. I met the nicest pharmacist ever who helped get me the right stuff to take care of it. :) She could teach the people at Walgreens a thing or two.

This morning we left for Pai...which is where we are now. It is a tiny somewhat alternative scened town in the middle of the mountains with little shops, live music... A perfect spot to chill for a few days. Its really beautiful and we are staying in a bungalow with our very own hammock. Paradise.

Actually...that is the name of the hotel. Pairidise.

We are going to try to fit in one island (hopefully where Tucker is) as well before we fly out of Bangkok. I don't know where the time has gone...

There is so much in this world to many people to meet, foods to try, towns to explore, cultures to learn about, hikes to venture, music to here, places to go, beautiful things to see, things to do... I hope to do a trip like this again really soon. So should you.



Unknown said...

That's where we stayed when we were in Pai. Hey - that painted buddha I gave you came from Pai. Isn't the ride up there crazy. I've never feared for my life more than on those windy roads. Have a great 6 days - I can't wait to see you!

Dana said...

when are you back stateside? do you have any time in nyc before you head back to boston? if so, call us! :)

Unknown said...

elephants and white water rafting?! so much fun... I hope your reverse culture shock (you'll probably have a little, I know I have in the past) isn't too bad.