Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Back to America

Wow, Back to reality.

I can not believe that the trip is over. I am home. I am at my desk at work. I am filtering through IB fun list emails. (I forgot how much time I spend doing that!) I am doing tech escalations. I am going to Wed. night Karaoke. I am performing with Mainstage. I am going to get coffee at Flour. I am doing all of the things I do. In Boston. At home.

This trip was possibly the greatest thing that I have set out to do for myself - besides maybe doing study abroad in Israel. Traveling is so rewarding. It is not only fun - but educational, exciting, eye-opening... it is waking up and not knowing what you will be doing or where you will be going next - and loving it. It is not predictable. It is not 9 - 5.
Let's see... yup - It is freaking awesome.

Since I have been back, a few people have asked me if I just love other countries so much now that I have become Anti-American. And, as you can imagine from previous emails (although I don't think I ever blogged about it?) the answer for me is clearly no. I have, in fact, experienced a different revelation. I'm not Ms. USA or anything, but I do recognize the importance of being proud of your roots and of your country. I know patriotism is not something that happens over night. But, with a new prospect of hope due to a new president-elect, I think that greater Patriotism is a possibility for me - and for other Americans - in the future.

Now, that being said...all I can think about is where I want to travel next! At this point in time, I could go anywhere in Europe and have friends to visit! We met so many wonderfully awesome people throughout our travels. In Europe, I am definitely interested in Italy and Germany. My family is all from Germany...and researching my roots could be really cool. Of course, though, I want to see Australia, New Zealand, South America...more of Japan.
The predictability of routine is already getting me down. I have caught the travel bug.

I keep having conversations with people who say they can't travel because they have kids, responsibilities, or whatever... And yes, I know these walls exist. But, I also think they are climbable. Now that I'm back, and have gotten my year of "Independent Raero" out of my system, I would love to meet someone and possibly settle down. But, by no means does that mean I'm going to stop doing these things that intrigue me! I'm not going to stop traveling. I won't so don't try to make me!

Some random thoughts and observations:
- A lot of foreigners hadn't heard the phrase "Fair enough." And they quite enjoyed it.
- Australian and British people often say "I reckon" and "quite." I always thought those words sounded so formal...but now, I reckon I'm going to try to fit them into conversation quite often and whenever possible.
- The American election was followed by everyone EVERYWHERE. And, the results of a new President will affect everyone everywhere.
- I reckon (there it is!) American education needs to expand its lessons on the foreign world. For a generally smart person, I felt dumb sometimes in conversations with others. I realize how much other countries educate their people on American geography, history, and politics - and how much we do NOT educate our people on the rest of the world. Granted, as my friend from Norway replied, my life isn't much affected by the politics of Norway... but still.
I should know some stuff.
Just some stuff.
More stuff than I know at least.
Luckily, in the Metro this morning, I read that Massachusetts is thinking the same thing and are looking to update the curriculums to include more global education! The Metro must have been reading my blog. In the future.

And, for anyone who doesn't already know: I got home to a very special surprise in my apt. If you have read this blog, you will know that I mentioned there are no napkins in Asia. Because of that one comment, two of my girlfriends surprised me and completely decorated (dare I say vandalized?) my place with red, white, and blue napkins - literally covering my walls, drawers and closets from head to toe! Napkins were taped together into flags; streamers draped my doorways and walls, and red white and blue star shaped lights decorated my kitchen walls. Megan and Cuddy - thank you! It was amazing. Best welcome home ever. :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

It's been really really fun reading your missives from abroad. Thank you!