Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We made it!

I am writing from a computer that is in Japanese...and I've been up for over 24 hours. So, this may not be the greatest thing ever written.
Also - I'm typing on a keyboard that is the size of Will's old phone.
IN any case, I can say this: We made it to Asia!
We are in our (really nice) hotel in Tokyo - in Shinkjuku.
We are tired.
I think its 7:30 or so PM here (which means 6:30 AM there...and we didn't really sleep much on the plane.)
Our flight was delayed but otherwise, all 14 plus hours really weren't so bad. We appropriately watched Lost in Translation on the flight. (We brought it - that wasn't the offering :) )
Highlights thus far:
- We encountered one of the worst, but most entertaining, and idiotic flight attendants of all time. I feel bad for all the people who's legs she smashed.
- Everyone in Japan (i.e. on the train and at the airport) has so far been very kind and helpful.
- Tucker spoke flawless Japanese (he said "Do you speak English?") to the woman selling the train tickets. It was very impressive.
Hopefully we will thrill you with more interesting cultural phenoms, once we've slept.
I will say this though: everything is so clean. The train, the airport etc.
Our toilet has a lot of buttons on it. It scares me a bit.
People here are patient - especially when waiting in line.

Can't wait to sleep and then start exploring tomorrow!


Unknown said...

So glad to hear you arrived safely. I checked the flight status this am and was happy to see "arrived" but good to know you made your way to your first hotel with ease. Can't wait to hear and see more. Love,Mom

Alisha said...

Will you take a picture of this fancy toilet?

Glad you're there safely!

Deborah said...

Please eat some sushi for me. And don't go Keri Keropi on us!!

Dana said...

LOVE the japanese toilets. the one in our hotel played music and had a heated seat. I can't wait to read more posts and see pictures of everything! don't forget to go to harujuku and check out the crazy cos-players!

Marjorie said...

hey cuz, few things:

it is so clean but good luck finding a public trash can!!

i love the heated seats but it was a little weird because it makes me think it was heated by someone else rather than the machine. (sorry to put that thought in your head)

if you are trying to sign language help instead of pointing to your chest in reference to yourself, point to your nose.

i am so excited for you!!

if you are going to kyoto i have a friend that we met there on the street and was totally cool. he did a year abroad at Rutgers and was so glad to practice his english. (very good!!) he showed us around, even gave me a ride on motorcycle =) but yah, if you want some contacts i have a few in Kyoto. =D

Unknown said...

Yay! You're there. Have fun, and I agree with everyone else...post pictures! It's a must.

Katie Proulx said...

so glad you got there safely. i miss you even more since you are farther away, but i'm wicked excited for y'all!